What We Do
Climate change is the defining challenge of our time, inextricably linked to our health, environment, and communities. We all need clean air to breathe and water to drink, a fair and thriving economy, and a safe and secure country. Climate change and the pollution that causes it threaten all of that and more, putting the health and well-being of all Kansans at risk, hitting hardest those who can least afford it, while exacerbating racial, gender, and class inequality.
Climate Resilience Blog Posts
WEALTH Day of Environmental Advocacy and Education at the Capitol
On Monday February 5th, 2024, WEALTH Day will bring together organizations, advocates, and legislators from across Kansas to connect on Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation, and Health – WEALTH. The Climate + Energy Project has been hosting a collaborative event around climate issues for over a decade.
Climate + Energy Project awarded $400,000 as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Buildings UP Program
The Climate + Energy Project is pleased to announce that its program, Energy Navigators, has been awarded $400,000 in Phase 1 funding to build community-driven pathways to upgrading homes, improving home energy efficiency, reducing energy burden, and improving health of Kansans experiencing energy insecurity.
Reproductive Justice is Climate Justice
Authored By: Gelary Cardenas and Lea Elton Meet Gelary and Lea, CEP Take Action Outreach...
Thank you for participating in wealth day 2022
Thank you so much for participating in our virtual WEALTH Day! We were excited to host 5 great...
Climate + Health
Climate disruption impacts the lives, health, and economic well-being of Kansans. Climate change is a major public health concern in Kansas. Those least responsible will be the most impacted and least able to adapt. Solutions exist to build resilience, economic opportunities, and healthy communities. The Kansas Climate + Health Declaration aims to increase awareness of the impacts of climate change on public health, to increase civic engagement on climate action in Kansas, and to advance policies that build community resilience and safeguard the future of our state.
Climate + Health Declaration by the Numbers
Numbers last updated March 2021
organizational Signers
Individual Signers
WEALTH Collaborative
Preserving our Kansas WEALTH resources — our Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation, and Health — builds community resilience, improves health outcomes, and safeguards the future of our state.
The WEALTH Collaborative advocates for policies and practices that reduce risk and increase resilience in Kansas.
See our 2021 WEALTH Days event highlights here.
Agricultural solutions
Making the Connection
Climate Change + Carbon Farming
With the Kansas Rural Center, Presented by Zack Pistora
Making the Connection
Climate Change + Agriculture
With the Kansas Rural Center, Presented by Mary Fund
Making the Connection
Climate Change + Urban Agriculture
With the Project RALLY, Presented by Terrell Dyer + Aaron Marks
The RE-AMP Network seeks to equitably eliminate greenhouse gas emissions in the Midwest by 2050 through collective strategy and collaboration on climate solutions in the Midwest. The Network provides Kansas environmental and social justice organizations a greater platform for collaboration and professional development on climate and energy issues for Kansas organizations.
Climate Organizing
Latine Outreach
Haciendo las Conexiones
Cambio Climático y Comunidad de Inmigrantes
Con El Centro, Presentando por Elizabeth Reynoso
La Declaración de Clima y Salud
La Declaración, bajo la guía del CEP, hace un llamado a la participación cívica estatal en la acción climática. Mediante una generosa financiación de donantes organizacionales e individuales, la Declaración trabaja para informar a los tomadores de decisiones sobre la mejor manera de crear un Kansas resistente enfocado en la comunidad.
Making the Connections
Climate Change + Immigrant Communities
With El Centro, Presented by Valeria Espadas + Diosselyn Tot
Douglas County Climate Action Plan
For the last several months, the Climate + Energy Project and Sunrise Project have been combining our unique talents, knowledge, and approaches to create and implement an equity-driven community engagement process for Douglas County’s Climate Action Plan.
Sunrise Project and Climate + Energy Project have been working together to support Community Coordinators as they process, document, and synthesize information and stories that are collected from community members.
Our organizations are working in partnership with Lawrence – Douglas County Sustainability Office to determine the best way to document the experiences of Douglas County residents to ensure that the Climate Action Plan reflects the lived realities of all of our community members.