*Energy* Advocacy Thursday is March 2, 2023; 8:30 am - 2:30 pm As part of WEALTH 2023, join us in March for a series of three WEALTH Wednesday and Advocacy Thursday events leading up to WEALTH Day on April 4th. WEALTH Wednesdays (virtual, from 6-7 pm): A legislative expert will be joined by legislators and […]
*Community Resilience* Advocacy Thursday is March 9, 2023; 8:30 am - 2:30 pm As part of WEALTH 2023, join us in March for a series of three WEALTH Wednesday and Advocacy Thursday events leading up to WEALTH Day on April 4th. WEALTH Wednesdays (virtual, from 6-7 pm): A legislative expert will be joined by legislators […]
*Water* Advocacy Thursday is March 23, 2023; 8:30 am - 2:30 pm As part of WEALTH 2023, join us in March for a series of three WEALTH Wednesday and Advocacy Thursday events leading up to WEALTH Day on April 4th. WEALTH Wednesdays (virtual, from 6-7 pm): A legislative expert will be joined by legislators and […]