Our Energy Horizon: A Solar, Storage, Electric Vehicle, & Transmission Event

Thompson Barn 11184 Lackman Road, Lenexa, Kansas

Join the Clean Energy Business Council and Kansas Advanced Power Alliance for an in-depth afternoon discussing the state's energy future for utility-scale solar, storage, electric vehicle, and transmission expansion. The Our Energy Horizon Forum will include a robust dialogue about our rapidly changing energy economy from clean energy experts, policymakers, and industry leaders. How will […]


Kansas Climate Leaders Solar Briefing

Join CEP, KIFA, and the Kansas Chapter of the Sierra Club to learn more about the current state of solar in Douglas and Johnson Counties so your voice is heard at commission meetings. Thursday, January 20 | 7-8 PM Douglas County briefing in preparation for public DGCO Planning Commission meetings. Thursday, January 27 | 7-8 […]


*Energy* Advocacy Thursday is March 2, 2023; 8:30 am - 2:30 pm As part of WEALTH 2023, join us in March for a series of three WEALTH Wednesday and Advocacy Thursday events leading up to WEALTH Day on April 4th. WEALTH Wednesdays (virtual, from 6-7 pm): A legislative expert will be joined by legislators and […]


*Community Resilience* Advocacy Thursday is March 9, 2023; 8:30 am - 2:30 pm As part of WEALTH 2023, join us in March for a series of three WEALTH Wednesday and Advocacy Thursday events leading up to WEALTH Day on April 4th. WEALTH Wednesdays (virtual, from 6-7 pm): A legislative expert will be joined by legislators […]


*Water* Advocacy Thursday is March 23, 2023; 8:30 am - 2:30 pm As part of WEALTH 2023, join us in March for a series of three WEALTH Wednesday and Advocacy Thursday events leading up to WEALTH Day on April 4th. WEALTH Wednesdays (virtual, from 6-7 pm): A legislative expert will be joined by legislators and […]

WEALTH Day 2023

Kansas State Capitol Building 300 SW 10th St., Topeka, Kansas, United States

Join Kansans to learn about and advocate for Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation, and Health in Kansas Kansas WEALTH Day of Advocacy and Education brings together organizations, advocates, and legislators to connect on Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation, and Health - Kansas WEALTH! We are excited to have our first in-person WEALTH Day at the […]


Climate Rally & Documentary Screening of “Weathering The Future” at Liberty Hall

Liberty Hall 644 Massachusetts St., Lawrence

Join Climate + Energy Project, Sierra Club Kansas, and Kansas Interfaith Action for a climate rally followed by a screening of "Weathering The Future" The Climate + Energy Project invites you to a FREE screening of NOVA's "Weathering the Future". At the screening, enjoy FREE FOOD, visit sponsor booths, and submit a public comment around […]

Kansas State Capitol Building 300 SW 10th St., Topeka, Kansas, United States

On Monday, February 10th, 2025, WEALTH Day will unite once again with organizations, advocates, and lawmakers from across Kansas to collaborate on issues related to Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation, and Health. You can expect booths, panel discussions, legislator greetings and more! You can register here. For additional information or questions, please contact Christina Haswood […]


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