After an hour and a half of debate, the House Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Committee voted down HB 2273, which would have added prohibitive set backs for commercial wind turbines, and attempted to stop wind development in Kansas. It also...
Clean Energy
HB 2273 – Committee will take action Friday, Feb. 22nd
House Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications committee met Tuesday and Thursday, February 19th and 21st to hear from proponents and opponents on HB 2273, the Wind Generation Permit and Property Protection Act. Executive Director, Dorothy Barnett...
Climate + Energy Voters Take Action – KS Wind Action Alert! HB 2273
HB 2273, a bill that adds prohibitive set backs for wind turbines, is a thinly veiled attempt to stop wind development in Kansas. This bill was introduced this week and will have a hearing in the House Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Committee on...
Clean Energy Business Council Introduces the Kansas Energy Fairness Act
Bipartisan support for the bill to prevent the KCC from imposing demand charges on wind and solar usersJessica Lucas | CEBC(620) 931-7161 | Dorothy Barnett | CEBC785-424-0444 | TOPEKA, KAN. – Residential...
Protect the right to manage energy usage without discrimination!
In a state with so much sun, rooftop solar should be a no brainer. But the Kansas Corporation Commission killed the rooftop solar industry by changing electricity rates for solar homeowners. Good solar jobs are disappearing overnight, along with homeowners chance to...
Thank you for supporting the Kansas Energy Fairness Act!
Thank you for submitting a form showing support for the Kansas Energy Fairness Act! If you have not submitted a form with a testimony, please do so on this link. We have several important bill updates to share: Thus far, we've received nearly 200 submissions and...