2021 VIRTUAL WEALTH DAYS REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Join us virtually on March 16th, 17th, and 18th for our annual WEALTH Days of Advocacy and Education! Virtually join organizations, advocates, and legislators from across Kansas to connect on...
CEP Staff
Power Outages – what’s happening?
Millions of people across the Midwest are confused, angry, and worried about rolling blackouts amid sub-zero temperatures. The planned outages are necessary to protect the integrity of the electric grid. How we got to this place is complicated, but the solutions...
Support a Clean Energy Future!
To meet climate goals we need to phase down GHG emissions from buildings. Switching to efficient electric appliances and equipment, powered by an increasingly renewable electric grid, cuts climate-warming emissions and delivers benefits like cleaner air indoors...
Thank YOU for Supporting the Climate + Energy Project!
The Climate + Energy Project (CEP) builds resilience in Kansas through equitable clean energy solutions and climate action. The Climate + Energy Project: The Climate + Energy Project: connects people, organizations, and ideas;presents science-based...
Advocate for Clean Energy!
Kansas needs a state energy plan that engages stakeholders in a comprehensive effort to establish a clear vision, guiding principles, realistic objectives, and actionable strategies to guide the state’s energy decision making for the next ten years. Your...
CEP 2020 Impacts: Climate Resilience & Energy Justice
2020 has been a year to remember. From elevating climate change as a public health issue to advocating against unfair electricity rates, the Climate + Energy Project (CEP) builds resilience in Kansas through equitable clean energy solutions and climate...
Tell your representatives you want a State Energy Plan
VOTE YES on HB 2381 Background and talking points below TAKE ACTIONIs your Kansas Representative on the Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Committee? If so, call or email them and ask them to support HB 2381, which creates a task force who...
Energy Choice Act Hearing Update
We received notice that the Senate Utilities Hearing on the Energy Choice Act, SB 24, has changed to next week, Tuesday, Jan 26th at 1:30 p.m. The public can provide testimony at the hearing virtually, in-person, or in written form only. Comments need...
Climate + Energy Advocacy in the Covid Era
2021 Legislative Session kicked off this week Climate and energy advocates across the country (including CEP) find themselves excited about climate action at the federal level for the first time in a number of years. President-elect Biden’s climate plan, John...
CEP 2020 Impacts: Civic Participation & Collaboration
Building a healthy and resilient Kansas will take all of us. We balance current issues with long-term solutions while building the capacity for greater community engagement and more effective leadership. That's why we invest in YOU! CEP's Civic Participation programs,...
CEP 2020 Impacts: Clean Energy
CEP helps you take action on pressing climate and energy issues in Kansas. In 2020, you all showed up for clean energy! Thanks to those of you who represented Kansas solar during the Supreme Court Hearing last winter and all of you who submitted testimonies on the...
LAST CHANCE to stop Evergy’s unfair rate proposals!
LAST CHANCE to take action against Evergy's unfair rate proposals! Submit a Public Comment Opposing Evergy’s $35 Minimum Bill and Grid Access Fee As our battle over solar equity continues with the state's largest utility, we are now combatting their false...