Feb 13, 2023
Statehouse Happenings This Week:
Last week, Clean Energy Business Council members had the opportunity to present testimony in favor of HB 2227 and HB 2228. We had a great showing of support for both bills and appreciated the opportunity to showcase how policy changes can enable more energy choice, provide opportunities for ratepayers to lower their bills, and foster adoption of more renewable energy in Kansas.
Of course, Kansas utilities were opposed to both pieces of legislation. While disappointing, we appreciate the Chairman’s outreach to all parties to find consensus. There is a path to improving options in the marketplace and we’re committed to finding those solutions. In the coming weeks, we’ll continue conversations with utility partners so we can eliminate barriers and increase access.
The week also saw a hearing on a bill to establish a rate for low-income Kansans. The Climate + Energy Project provided testimony in favor of this bill. We also testified in opposition to SB 68, a bill we believe would increase the cost of transmission development if passed.
Looking ahead, Utilities Committee members in the House and Senate will hear testimony on a bill that would shift to election of Kansas Corporation Commission Commissioners. We’re eager to see how this issue moves forward. We’ve long professed that improvements at the KCC are needed and we’ve experienced barriers to participation at different times in our long history of doing this work. That being said, electing commissioners is not the remedy we think addresses organizational needs. We will continue to monitor the issue and weigh in at the appropriate time.
Turnaround is the deadline for bills to pass their chamber of origin or be considered dead; and that deadline is fast approaching. On Feb. 21, members will head home for their first long break of the session, returning March 1 to work bills passed in the other Chamber.
Bills We’re Watching
(Click to view a spreadsheet of the bills we’re tracking during this Legislative Session)
View the committee hearings and recordings on the Statehouse Live & Archive page.
Planning is underway for WEALTH 2023: a series of informational events and advocacy opportunities supporting our state’s Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transport, and Health – WEALTH. Check out the timeline below, and register today for our February 15th kick-off event!

CEP is a 2023 co-sponsor of the Kansas Rural Center’s Policy Watch weekly e-updates. KRC monitors the state legislature for decisions affecting a diversified agriculture, the environment, our natural resource base, rural communities, and our local and regional food systems. The weekly e-updates also provide information about upcoming hearings, so constituents can contact legislators or attend.
Read and subscribe to their latest policy watch issues on their website.