
CEP Legislative Update – Mar. 18, 2022
March 18, 2022

Legislative Update

March 18, 2022

CEP has a rich history of advocacy. We respond to rapidly evolving climate and energy issues by mobilizing Kansans to take action through advocacy, coalition building, legislative action, and regulatory intervention.

Wow! What a legislative session. Committee work has wrapped up for the year and we’re grateful to all of you for your part in BIG WINS for clean energy. In spite of a Senate Utilities Chairman with a punitive clean energy agenda, we are moving forward with our state’s ability to continue investments in utility-scale renewable energy. 

This week saw another push by Senator Thompson to hinder wind energy development. The hearing on SB 374 was on Tuesday and the Tax Committee worked the bill in committee on Thursday. We’re happy to report our efforts to defeat the bill were successful. It failed to advance out of committee, suffering the same fate as the other anti-renewable bills introduced in the Senate this year. Read more about it from the Kansas Reflector.

THANK YOU!! We appreciate your support of clean energy; it made a BIG difference. 

Next week the legislature will hear bills on the floor. This includes the likelihood that the House will debate SB 493, the preemption bill on plastic bags. It passed the House Commerce Committee on Thursday and would eliminate a local decision to restrict the use of plastic bags and other materials. We stand opposed. 

View last week’s legislative update on our website.

Live and recorded hearings can be viewed on the Statehouse Live & Archive Page.

Kansas Rural Center Policy Watch

CEP is a 2022 co-sponsor of the Kansas Rural Center’s Policy Watch weekly e-updates. KRC monitors the state legislature for decisions affecting a diversified agriculture, the environment, our natural resource base, rural communities, and our local and regional food systems. The weekly e-updates also provide information about upcoming hearings, so constituents can contact legislators or attend. 

Issue No. 11 Covered: separation of powers, Kansas Supreme Court Justice selection process, education bills summary, state budget, food and sales tax update, housing and rural development, and energy bill updates.

Read and subscribe to their latest issues on their website.

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