
Let’s celebrate Dorothy’s TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
August 20, 2021
Categories: WHO WE ARE

The Climate + Energy Project is celebrating ten years of outstanding leadership by our Executive Director, Dorothy Barnett. 

Help the CEP team celebrate Dorothy with a toast and a donation today!

A picture of three young children holding hands in a park.

Dorothy is a dynamic leader and mentor whose leadership has shaped Kansas’ energy future.  As a visionary leader of a small but mighty nonprofit, Dorothy has made headline news for her leading the way to a clean energy future.  When Kansans were fighting against fossil fuel interests, Dorothy celebrated the clean energy movement in a feature on the Rachel Maddow Show.  

Dot’s held her own as a strong woman in what is traditionally a man’s industry, receiving accolades far and wide, including a C3E award for leadership in clean energy.  As a supportive mentor and friend, Dorothy has helped other women get a footing in the clean energy and nonprofit industries.  

It’s easy to do great things when times are good, but Dorothy has maintained an even keel during rough storms at CEP, directing the organization through difficult times and evolving to fit the ever-changing needs of climate and energy advocacy in Kansas.  

In other times, we’d host a happy hour and ask you all to make a toast in Dorothy’s honor, but – like so many things – we need to be creative in the ways we celebrate!  Please celebrate Dorothy with a toast and a donation or send her a note to thank her for her good work. 

Here are a few toasts from board and staff:

Happy Anniversary, Dot! You are an amazing Executive Director and a wonderful face of the organization! -Cassi Reimer, Board Chair

CEP and all of us are so lucky to have your leadership, Dorothy! 🙂 -John Shively, new Board Member

Thanks for being such an encouraging colleague, Dorothy! It’s been wonderful working with you for all of these years…and many more to come! -Rachel Myslivy, CEP Assistant Director

Thanks for the incredible mentorship over the last two years, and for all of your help in taking my experience to new heights! Looking forward to learning even more from you, and to CEP’s continued success under your leadership. -Beth Pauley, CEP Program Coordinator 

Dorothy Barnett with her three daughters and three grandchildren in front of a giraffe exhibit at a zoo.

A Message from Dorothy

I couldn’t be more excited for the future of the Climate + Energy Project and continue to be grateful for the dedicated board and members of our team. 

It’s surprising to realize I’ve been with CEP for 14 years and leading the organization for the last 10. What started as a passion for wind energy has turned into an urgent calling to act on climate. In 2022 we will be celebrating our fifteen-year anniversary and so I thank you for your support and ask you to join the climate movement as we work together to build a healthy and resilient future for my family and yours.


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