
Staff & Board Updates
June 16, 2021

CEP Staff & Board Updates

New staff!  New board!  New interns! 

Within the last month, many new faces have joined CEP. We confirmed six new board members, hired two new staff members, and brought on five summer interns. Meet them below! We also said goodbye to three staff members and an intern, as they begin new endeavors. Read their final thoughts below.

New Staff

Portrait of Sarah Dehart Faltico in front of foliage.

Sarah Dehart Faltico

Program Coordinator

Sarah’s Bio

A portrait of Erin Kruse standing in front of banana plant leaves

Erin Kruse

Program Assistant

Erin’s Bio

New Board Members

Photo of Steve Corbett smiling

Steven Corbett

Sr. Chronic Disease Epidemiologist, KDHE

Steve’s Bio

Mary Fund smiling

Mary Fund

Retired from Kansas Rural Center

Mary’s Bio

Portrait of Erica Flores

Anthony Lang

Supply Chain Mgt, Honeywell International

Anthony’s Bio

Portrait of Turner Seals

Laura Lombard

President/CEO, KS Global Trade Services

Laura’s Bio

Portrait of Greg Murphy

Greg Murphy

Head of Impact, TortoiseEcofin

Greg’s Bio

Portrait of John Shively smiling

John Shively

NGO Liaison, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth

John’s Bio

New Interns

Portrait of Erica Flores

Erica Flores

Collaborative Strategy Intern

Erica’s Bio

Portrait of Paradyse Oakley

paradyse oakley

Collaborative Strategy Intern

paradyse’s Bio

Portrait of Turner Seals in front of the Kansas City skyline.

Turner Seals

Youth Outreach Intern

Turner’s Bio

Portrait of Buverley Trezile in front of a large wooden door.

Bú​verley Trezile

Climate + Health Outreach Intern

Búverley’s Bio

Portrait of Brenda Zaragoza in front of foliage

Brenda Zaragoza

Climate + Health Outreach Intern

Brenda’s Bio

Fond Farewell

Leilani Grey

Former Program Coordinator

Leilani joined CEP as a Program Assistant in 2018. She helped with project planning, communications and outreach, and event logistics. Leilani is the new Director of Admissions, Diversity, & Social Responsibility at Topeka Collegiate School. Read Leilani’s final thoughts.

Michelle Luu

Jamie Hofling

Former Program Coordinator

Jamie first joined CEP in 2016 and held a variety of positions across five years of work. Her roles focused on Clean Energy = Clean Air Coalition, Save Kansas Solar, and Climate + Energy Voters Take Action. Jamie has recently joined Lawrence – Douglas County Sustainability as a Food Waste Prevention Specialist.

Michelle Luu

Michelle Luu

Former Program Assistant

Michelle first joined CEP as a Digital Marketing Intern in 2020. After her internship, she continued on with CEP as a Program Assistant. Michelle recently joined Faith in Place as their new Development Coordinator. Read Michelle’s final thoughts.

Joyeta Chowdhury

Joyeta Chowdhury

Former Intern

Joyeta joined CEP as an intern in January 2021, where she helped develop the Kansas Environmental Youth (KEY) Network with Michelle Luu. This summer, Joyeta will be working for the EPA as a Physical Science Intern. Read Joyeta’s final thoughts.

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Wind Energy: A Wildlife Biologist’s Take
Wind Energy: A Wildlife Biologist’s Take

As a wildlife biologist, I think that the impacts of commercial-scale land-based wind farms on wildlife have been significantly reduced, and that guidelines and regulatory measures are in place to reduce these impacts further. I am also convinced that climate change impacts wildlife much more than well-regulated wind farms.


In the face of the climate crisis, both the sun and wind are sources of new blessing. By harvesting solar energy from the sun in solar panels and harnessing the power of the wind with wind turbines, both sun and wind have become tremendous sources of clean and sustainable energy.

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Climate + Energy Project
Portrait of Sarah Dehart Faltico in front of foliage.
A portrait of Erin Kruse standing in front of banana plant leaves
Photo of Steve Corbett smiling
Mary Fund smiling
Portrait of Erica Flores
Portrait of Turner Seals
Portrait of Greg Murphy
Portrait of John Shively smiling
Portrait of Erica Flores
Portrait of Paradyse Oakley
Portrait of Turner Seals in front of the Kansas City skyline.
Portrait of Buverley Trezile in front of a large wooden door.
Portrait of Brenda Zaragoza in front of foliage
Michelle Luu
Michelle Luu
Joyeta Chowdhury
Wind Energy: A Wildlife Biologist’s Take
Climate + Energy Project awarded $400,000 as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Buildings UP Program
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