
Media Monitor: CEP in the News, Earth Day, Upcoming Events, and More!
April 21, 2021


End of Kansas coal plants could be sooner rather than later

April 13, 2021— Some environmental advocates worry that the tool won’t be used to replace aging coal with renewable energy. They wanted rules demanding that new investments go toward renewable energy.

“We do a disservice to our state, to our citizens and to the environment if what happens is we retire the coal plants and instead build a whole bunch of gas plants,” said Dorothy Barnett, the executive director of the Climate and Energy Project.

Six things the Evergy refund could mean for Kansas solar 

APRIL 16, 2021 — The Kansas Corporation Commission ruled earlier this year that solar customers would no longer be charged this fee but said that customers wouldn’t be refunded. After a request to reconsider from Vote Solar, the Climate & Energy Project and the Kansas Sierra Club, the KCC unanimously ordered the refunds earlier this month.

Help shape the Kansas clean energy future . . . join the CEP Board!

CEP is looking for a few good Kansans to join our team!  Whether you are a small business owner interested in energy efficiency, a retired neurosurgeon passionate about solar, or a professor of Environmental Law, we believe that diverse perspectives strengthen our work.  Read more about our open call for board members and fill out the CEP Board interest form if it sounds like a good fit!

Earth Day Events

The Tonantzin Society in partnership with the City of Topeka’s Sustainability Advisory Board and artist Mona Cliff will release an Earth Day coloring book titled, “We Are the Keepers” Free downloads will be made available on April 22nd! 

For more details visit Tonantzin Society.Com.

The City of Lawrence Sustainability Office will be featuring other ways to celebrate safely in the community on our website. Celebrating Earth Day during a pandemic will take creativity. How will you celebrate Earth Day 2021? We would love to share and feature what you or your organization is doing to celebrate this special day and inspire others to join from the comfort of their homes! To feature your event or celebration on our website please fill out this short form.

Other Earth Day Events Around Kansas

Upcoming Events

Solar United Neighbors Film Screening

Current Revolution: A Nation in Transition focuses on the closure of the Navajo Generating Station — the West’s largest coal-fired power plant — and the Navajo Nation’s efforts to deal with its impacts and embrace renewable energy. 

After the film, hear from the filmmakers and those featured in the film! They’ll answer your questions and give you a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the film.

Kansas Permaculture Film Screening

“Voices from Southwest Kansas: Immigrant Perspectives” was produced as part of a broader study of Southwest Kansas’ Food and Farm System by the Kansas Rural Center (KRC). Southwest Kansas is a sparsely populated, agricultural economy set in a semi- arid climate, fueled by water from the Ogallala Aquifer. It is also home to some of the country’s largest grain farms, livestock feedlots, dairies, swine confinement facilities, and beef processing plants. The region has a long history of immigrants from Mexico and other Central and South American countries, plus a number of other countries around the globe.”

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