
Help shape the Kansas clean energy future . . . join the CEP Board!
April 13, 2021

CEP is looking for a few good Kansans to join our team!  The Climate + Energy Project (CEP) is a Kansas-based, nonpartisan 501(c)3 nonprofit driving practical solutions for an equitable transition to a clean energy future.


CEP builds resilience in Kansas through equitable clean energy solutions and climate action.  


The Climate & Energy Project: 

  • connects people, organizations, and ideas;
  • presents science-based facts;
  • facilitates critical thinking and community engagement; and 
  • co-creates equitable and productive solutions.

Our Work

We focus on four priorities to build a healthy and resilient Kansas: Clean Energy, Climate Resilience, Civic Participation, and Climate + Energy Policy.  

Our Board

The CEP board is responsible for the general supervision, overall policy and direction of the organization, and delegates responsibility for day-to-day operations to CEP staff.  All board members serve two-year terms, and are eligible for re-election for up to three consecutive terms. The board currently meets virtually on a bi-monthly basis; in-person meetings will resume when safe to do so.  Our board members come from all walks of life with varying degrees of expertise and interest in climate and energy issues.   Whether you are a small business owner interested in energy efficiency, a retired neurosurgeon passionate about solar, or a professor of Environmental Law, we believe that diverse perspectives strengthen our work.  

You might be a good fit if you:

  • Are passionate about climate and energy issues, but you don’t need to be an expert!  An interest and desire to learn more go a long way!
  • Like engaging with CEP’s work, which can look like reading the e-blasts and staying informed or being a seasoned volunteer who never misses an event.  
  • Want to work for a positive future for Kansas that includes clean energy for all and strong, resilient communities across the state.  
  • Can commit to attending bi-monthly or quarterly meetings ready to listen, learn, discuss, and collaboratively plan for a healthy and resilient Kansas.  

Please take a moment to fill out this CEP Board interest form to answer the following: 

  • What do you like about the Climate + Energy Project?
  • Why are you interested in serving on the board?
  • Do you have any skills or experience you’d like to share?

Questions?  Email Rachel Myslivy –  

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