
CEP Monitor: Update on SB279, Upcoming Events, and More!
March 24, 2021

UPDATE on SB 279

Thank you for making your voices heard to Protect Kansas Wind. The Senate Utilities Committee heard supporting and opposing testimonies of SB279 on Monday and Tuesday but did not bring it up for a vote today as expected. It is unlikely that this bill will progress this year, but we are closely monitoring the possibilities and will send updates as necessary. 

WEALTH Days – Thank You!

Thank you to all our attendees and partnering organizations for making WEALTH Day amazing. Watch out for a more detailed email including a recording of the events.

Wind Energy News

Wind energy advocates argue Senate bill pulls plug on growth in $14B industry in Kansas | March 22, 2021– A Senate bill scheduled for public debate Monday would heap an unprecedented level of government regulation on Kansas’ thriving wind industry that in two decades attracted $14 billion in investment to a state economy struggling to find new opportunities for growth.

Upcoming Events

People’s Hearing | March 25, 2021 at 6:30PM– Our friends at The Sierra Club are holding a People’s Hearing to for people to give input on Evergy’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Sign up now to give a public comment at next Thursday’s People’s Hearing and tell Evergy, Inc. to do its job by making an energy plan that puts our communities first. Evergy’s plan (IRP) has a huge impact on our health and community, but no public hearing has been scheduled to let the public have a say, which we believe goes against our democratic values. So together, we the people will make sure our voices are heard. Providing a comment takes no more than 3 minutes, and help is available for anyone who would like assistance preparing their comment.

Solve Climate by 2030 by Developing a Kansas Climate and Energy Plan | April 7, 2021 at 6:00-8:00PM– Registration coming soon! The event will feature panelists from CEP, the Kansas Natural Resource Center, Metropolitan Energy Center, and other advocates.

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Wind Energy: A Wildlife Biologist’s Take

As a wildlife biologist, I think that the impacts of commercial-scale land-based wind farms on wildlife have been significantly reduced, and that guidelines and regulatory measures are in place to reduce these impacts further. I am also convinced that climate change impacts wildlife much more than well-regulated wind farms.


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