
WEALTH Day 2021: Build Your Agenda Today!
March 11, 2021


WEALTH Day provides a unique opportunity to connect virtually on Kansas Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation, and Health issues with organizations, advocates, and legislators. 

Once you register, you can build your own agenda based on which events you can attend with Sched. Once you register for Sched, look out for an email invitation in all your inboxes. If you need any assistance navigating Sched, visit Sched’s YouTube page for a helpful tutorial or email We look forward to seeing you there! Register TodayBuild Your Agenda

WEALTH Days is a collaborative effort. Event host include: Climate + Energy Project, Kansas Rural Center, Kansas Interfaith Action, Kansas Natural Resource Council, Kansas Metropolitan Energy Center, KCK NAACP, Grassland Heritage Foundation, Friends of the Kaw, and Sierra Club Kansas Chapter.

Be sure to follow our Facebook event page and invite people you think should be there! Follow CEP on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay up-to-date with the event.

You can also find valuable policy updated on the Kanas Rural Center’s Policy Watch.

Questions? Email Leilani Grey at

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