VOTE YES on HB 2381
Background and talking points below
Is your Kansas Representative on the Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Committee? If so, call or email them and ask them to support HB 2381, which creates a task force who will develop a comprehensive state energy plan. Click here to look up your representative and/or obtain their contact information.
Climate + Energy Project has been advocating for a State Energy Plan to shape Kansas’ clean energy future. Having an energy plan with robust stakeholder engagement will guide Kansas into a clean energy future. This process will advance options for energy efficiency tools, solar installations, and more. Please vote HB 2381 out of committee so we can keep Kansas on track to plan for a Clean Energy Future.
Thank you for taking action for a healthier Kansas energy future!

Please mark your calendars and save the date to attend our virtual day of advocacy and education, WEALTH Day, on March 16th, 17th, and 18th.
Kansas WEALTH Day brings together organizations, advocates, and legislators to connect on issues impacting Kansas Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation, and Health – Kansas WEALTH! Follow @CEPHeartland on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter and stay tuned for more event details coming soon.