We received notice that the Senate Utilities Hearing on the Energy Choice Act, SB 24, has changed to next week, Tuesday, Jan 26th at 1:30 p.m. The public can provide testimony at the hearing virtually, in-person, or in written form only. Comments need to be received by 1:30 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 25th.
How to submit a testimony
Testimonies should be emailed to the committee assistant, Sheila Wodtke, at Sheila.Wodtke@senate.ks.gov, by 1:30 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 25th. In your email let her know how you would like to present your testimony.
If you are planning to provide in-person testimony, note that the statehouse is currently on tight restrictions due to safety concerns and you must have an email from the committee assistant showing you are there to present testimony.
If you are planning to present testimony virtually, you will receive a webex link.
If you are planning to submit your testimony in writing only, the preferred method is to send it as an attachment by email.
The public can watch the hearing live on the KS Legislature YouTube Channel or listen in live on this link. Select the Senate Utilities Committee, Tuesday Jan. 26th at 1:30 p.m.
Resources for talking points and to learn more
Proposals to prohibit natural gas bans may threaten cities’ clean energy goals
Gas Appliances Pollute Indoor and Outdoor Air, Study Shows
New Fronts in the Zero-Emission Building Movement:
Background on the Push to Preempt Local Leadership
Feel free to email us at takeaction@climateandenergy.org if you have any questions.