The Climate + Energy Project (CEP) builds resilience in Kansas through equitable clean energy solutions and climate action. The Climate + Energy Project:
The Climate + Energy Project:
- connects people, organizations, and ideas;
- presents science-based facts;
- facilitates critical thinking and community engagement; and
- co-creates equitable and productive solutions.
We believe that by prioritizing our Kansas WEALTH – Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation, and Health – we can reduce the risks of climate change and safeguard the future of our state. CEP balances current issues with long-term solutions while building the capacity for greater community engagement and more effective leadership.
Our work centers on three primary touchpoints: climate resilience, clean energy, and civic participation.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve shared selected impacts from our work in 2020, highlighting the ways YOU have helped build a healthy and resilient Kansas. In our final email of 2020, we’ve put all the impacts together. This is work all Kansans should all be proud of, and it wouldn’t have happened without you!
Thank YOU for taking action on climate and energy in Kansas!
Please donate to the Climate + Energy Project.
ONLINE: bit.ly/CEPDonate – By mail: PO Box 1858, Hutchinson, KS 67504
ClimateAndEnergy.org – ResilientKansas.org – CleanEnergyForBusiness.com