Building a healthy and resilient Kansas will take all of us. We balance current issues with long-term solutions while building the capacity for greater community engagement and more effective leadership. That’s why we invest in YOU! CEP’s Civic Participation programs, connect Kansans to their legislators, build individual leadership skills, and drive practical actions on climate and energy in Kansas.
Thank YOU for activating solutions through civic participation!
We hope you’ll support CEP with a donation, too.
CEP responds to rapidly evolving climate and energy issues by mobilizing
Kansans to take action through advocacy, voter engagement, coalition building, and leadership development. To realize a healthy and we need greater and more effective civic participation. Since 2017, our Climate + Energy Voters Take Action campaign has built out capacity for integrated voter engagement by encouraging climate and energy supporters to vote, elevating climate and energy issues in political campaigns, expanding our advocacy, and enriching our base to take action. Climate and energy issues are always on the ballot.
CEP continues to build Midwestern alliances in the RE-AMP Network.CEP partnered with colleagues across the Midwest to improve voter engagement, identify agricultural solutions, and explore energy democracy. Kansas is now a full state in the RE-AMP Network, joining forces with eight
other states committed to equitably eliminating emissions in the Midwest by 2050. This collaboration will build upon our existing WEALTH partnerships while strengthening relationships with other Midwestern states.
2020 has tested all of us, but we are up to the task. Answering a statewide call to action, CEP activated our Kansas Environmental Leadership network to help “Kansas Beat the Virus.”
Recognizing the importance of this work, we skipped our traditional Giving Tuesday fundraising appeal to focus on convening groups committed to local solutions. Please help us fill this fundraising gap.