Kansas needs a state energy plan that engages stakeholders in a comprehensive effort to establish a clear vision, guiding principles, realistic objectives, and actionable strategies to guide the state’s energy decision making for the next ten years.
Your donation to the Climate + Energy Project advocates for policies that lead the way to a clean energy future in Kansas.
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In the last decade, electricity rates have skyrocketed while the cost of solar installations has decreased, electric vehicles are rapidly entering the market, and energy efficiency technologies continue to improve, but Kansas hasn’t planned for the integration of these tools or identified how to fully implement a plan that takes advantage of clean energy technologies. Recognizing that Kansas lacks any comprehensive planning for our energy future, CEP’s Clean Energy Business Council began advocating for a State Energy Plan in 2018.
Our advocacy works. Governor Laura Kelly announced that the process to develop a comprehensive Kansas Energy Plan will begin in 2020. This process will be enhanced by data from the rate study we advocated for and the resulting legislation that passed in 2019. It is important to continue elevating the need for sound energy policies that promise the clean air, clear water, and healthy living we all value.
A State Energy Plan is a critical step to identify and design a pathway for a prosperous energy future. A statewide Climate Action Plan is the obvious next step in the progression towards a healthy and resilient Kansas. As we work with Governor Kelly to develop the Kansas Energy Plan, CEP and our WEALTH partners will also advocate for the development of a Kansas Climate Action Plan.
WITH YOUR HELP we can witness the power of people to secure clean energy policies and climate action in Kansas.
Your financial contributions, time, and dedication create a healthy and resilient Kansas.
CEP – PO Box 1858 – Hutchinson, KS 67504
The Climate + Energy Project Team
Read more about our 2019 Impacts.