
CEP 2020 Impacts: Clean Energy
December 22, 2020
CEP helps you take action on pressing climate and energy issues in Kansas.  In 2020, you all showed up for clean energy!  Thanks to those of you who represented Kansas solar during the Supreme Court Hearing last winter and all of you who submitted testimonies on the proposed punitive rate charges for solar users.  You show up and turn up the heat to make sure all Kansans can access clean energy.  Thank you for taking action on clean energy in Kansas!Thank YOU for taking action on climate and energy in Kansas. We hope you’ll support CEP with a donation, too.

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Wind energy is under attack by a well-financed misinformation campaign. Kansas leads the nation in wind energy production. With over 40% of our total electricity produced by wind power, we’ve reduced emissions in the power sector by 40% over the past 20 years. Nonetheless, anti-wind attacks are tearing down the industry in former strongholds by spreading misinformation linking wind energy to cancer and other false claims. We’re doubling down on clean energy education to combat misinformation and protect renewables.With a top ten solar resource, we have enormous potential for rooftop and utility scale solar generation. In 2021, look for workshops on how utility scale solar and battery storage can push the transition to clean energy. Unfortunately, the utilities continue to fight against our right to rooftop solar. 

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After the Supreme Court ruled that demand charges are unconstitutional, Evergy countered by proposing grid access fees for solar users or a $35 minimum bill for all residential customers. Kansans turned out in force to speak out against these unfair rate proposals. Even in a pandemic, you showed up to fight for our right to clean energy. We will continue to advocate for fair rate designs, while amplifying your voices to save Kansas solar. 

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Wind Energy: A Wildlife Biologist’s Take

As a wildlife biologist, I think that the impacts of commercial-scale land-based wind farms on wildlife have been significantly reduced, and that guidelines and regulatory measures are in place to reduce these impacts further. I am also convinced that climate change impacts wildlife much more than well-regulated wind farms.


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