
LAST CHANCE to stop Evergy’s unfair rate proposals!
December 17, 2020
public comment + rate hike
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LAST CHANCE to take action against Evergy’s unfair rate proposals!

Submit a Public Comment Opposing Evergy’s $35 Minimum Bill and Grid Access Fee

As our battle over solar equity continues with the state’s largest utility, we are now combatting their false narrative that solar users can afford to invest thousands in systems at the expense of low-income ratepayers. We’ve heard things like, “I’m just astonished people can afford to pay $40,000 for a system and are upset that there’s a bill increase.”

We know that’s not true. In fact, we heard from dozens of Kansans on November 5th that they worked really hard to save and plan so they have the ability to go solar for cost management. 

Evergy also dismissed the concerns of the $35 minimum bill negatively impacting low-income customers, citing hypothetical exemption options that they haven’t clearly outlined. Putting the burden on low-income customers is not the answer, and neither is penalizing solar growth.More than ever, we should be focusing on economic recovery that benefits low to middle class Kansans. Instead, Evergy wants to squeeze even more out of Kansans so they can pad their bottom line. 

We need you to take action today. You have until December 21st to make your voice heard, and encourage others to do the same! Here’s how: 

Submit a public comment to the KCC. Comments can be submitted on the KCC’s websitevia email, written letter, or by phone. See the box below for email address, mailing address, and phone number. See sample statements here

Please help CEP track public comments in opposition to this proposal by completing this simple form.

Submit a comment online:


*Help CEP track public comments


Phone:  1-800-662-0027 or (785) 271-3140

TDD Kansas Relay Center: (800) 766-3777

Fax: (785) 271-3111

Mail:  Kansas Corporation Commission,

Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection,

1500 SW Arrowhead Rd., Topeka, KS 66604-4027

Reference Docket No 18-WSEE-328-RTS

*Help Save Kansas Solar track public comments by copying us on comments that are emailed, and by filling out this short form to inform us of your comment being sent.

Email for questions.

Submit comments by December 21, 2020 at 5 pm.

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