We are convening two Kansas Beats the Virus conversations for our supporters and followers. In these meetings we’ll brainstorm innovative, local ideas together to beat the spread of Covid-19.
We’ll talk briefly about the barriers you face (and see others dealing with) around things like masks, social distancing, getting tested when necessary and limiting gatherings. We’ll brainstorm and make commitments to something productive together which could be you committing to convening your own group for a $100 honorarium.
Please select one of the two options below and register for the one that works best for you.
CEP Beats the Virus
Option 1) Wed. 12/9, 9AM – 10AM – Zoom Sign up here
Option 2) Mon. 12/14, 12PM-1PM – Zoom Sign up here
**The Zoom meeting link will be emailed to participants on the morning of the meeting.**
Go the distance!
We’ll give you $100 to host your own group conversation with your neighborhood association, church, PTA, etc. You bring the people and we’ll facilitate the meeting! Sign up to host your own event here!
*login 5-10 minutes before the start of the meeting so we can have the full hour to discuss.
– Gather
– Discuss barriers
– Brainstorm action steps
– Make commitments
– Next steps
Reply to this email if you have questions. Thanks!