
Kansas joins the RE-AMP Network
October 15, 2020

Kansas organizations join a network working on equitable climate solutions in the Midwest.

Link to Press Release


The RE-AMP Network seeks to equitably eliminate greenhouse gas emissions in the Midwest by 2050 through collective strategy and collaboration on climate solutions in the Midwest.  Kansas environmental and social justice organizations worked together to nominate Kansas for inclusion into the RE-AMP Network.  Participation in the Network will provide a greater platform for collaboration and professional development on climate and energy issues for Kansas organizations.  

“Kansas has a proud history of agriculture, and a robust wind and growing solar industry. Their clean energy sources and contributions in agriculture will undoubtedly accelerate progress toward our North Star goal of equitably eliminating greenhouse gas emissions in the Midwest by 2050,” explained The RE-AMP Network’s Chief Network Officer, Melissa Gavin.  “But perhaps the biggest asset they bring to the Network is people. People who are seeing the challenges of climate change and who are developing responses based on their unique circumstances and experiences. People who see the value of working with their community within and outside of Kansas to do something that is bigger than themselves. People who are deeply committed to collaboration and working with other Midwesterners to address our shared goals.”

Kansas’ nomination to the RE-AMP Network was facilitated by the Climate + Energy Project (CEP) with support from the Kansas Rural Center, Kansas Interfaith Action, Kansas Sierra Club, and the Kansas Natural Resources Council.  CEP Assistant Director Rachel Myslivy explains: “Participation in the RE-AMP Network has transformed how we do the work, resulting in increased collaboration, an expanded focus on equity, and a systems approach to the complex issues facing Kansans today.  Kansas’ inclusion as a full RE-AMP state will open these opportunities to other environmental and social justice organizations across the state.” 

Since 2017, CEP has facilitated the Kansas WEALTH project which  convenes leading environmental organizations to collaboratively identify opportunities to reduce climate risks and increase community resilience.  Reducing climate risks positively impacts our state’s Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation, and Health (WEALTH).  Through the WEALTH project, participating organizations work together toward a common goal: more focused strategies for resilient and healthy communities.  

“Our WEALTH coalition has been working on renewable energy and climate action in Kansas for the past several years. Now that Kansas is a RE-AMP state, we will be linked to other, similar states doing similar work.  Additionally, the hard-earned wisdom and experience we have gained will be of great benefit to organizations doing work elsewhere in the region.” Rabbi Moti Rieber, Kansas Interfaith Action.  

Joining the RE-AMP Network provides greater opportunities to expand the goals of the WEALTH project to include more organizations working to equitably eliminate greenhouse gas emissions in the Midwest.  

“Climate and energy issues and weather extremes will greatly influence the future of farming and food in Kansas, and the health of rural communities.  There is clear opportunity through the RE-AMP network to focus dialogue on a vision for the future and how we address the challenges our communities face through adapting to climate change and adopting renewable energy today for a better tomorrow.”  Natalie Fullerton, Kansas Rural Center

Kansas joins existing RE-AMP states of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.  For more information or to learn how to join the RE-AMP Network, email

The Climate + Energy Project builds resilience in Kansas through equitable clean energy solutions and climate action.


For additional information or media inquiries, please contact Dorothy Barnett at 785-424-0444 or

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