CEP and partners have co-hosted environmental advocacy and education days nine times in the last decade, and each year the attendee turnout and coverage of environmental topics grows.
WEALTH Day is always a come and go event. Everyone is welcome to stay for all of the agenda items or choose which ones work best for their schedule.
To get a better feel for how this important day of advocacy unfolds take a look at highlights from the year 2017, 2018, and 2019.
How would you describe WEALTH Day?
Word cloud created by previous year participants. How would you describe WEALTH Day? |
Monday, February 10, 2020
Kansas State Capitol Building
Visitor Center Auditorium, 1st and 2nd Floor Rotundas
300 SW 10th St., Topeka, KS 66612 Register to attend WEALTH Day 2020!
Already registered?
Help us get the word out about this important event, forward this email and/or share on social media!
Click here for the WEALTH Day Facebook event page, and invite people you think should be there.
Thank you WEALTH Day Sponsors!