
January 4, 2019
Categories: History + WHO WE ARE

 The Climate + Energy Project seeks to dramatically reduce emissions in America’s Heartland through the ambitious deployment of energy efficiency and renewable energy, in policy and practice.

Legislative Update

Our year began with an ambitious legislative agenda addressing energy efficiency, net metering, and high electricity rates. The Clean Energy Business Council provided testimony on a bill to 1) measure the cost effectiveness of energy efficiency programs, and 2) set a goal to reduce energy use through utility sponsored energy efficiency programs. A coalition of local, regional and national experts are working together to explore ways to increase access to energy efficiency in Kansas.

Additionally, we worked with solar members of the Clean Energy Business Council on a net-metering bill that would have 1) increased size limits for self-generation of local power, and 2) stopped the KCC regulated utilities from adding new charges for customers who generate some of their own power. We’re working with CEBC members on a Solar Jobs Act for 2019.

Kansas has the highest electricity rates in the region. We worked with sixty-six house members to send a letter to the Kansas Corporation Commission requesting a robust study of electricity rates in Kansas. We have high hopes for the 2019 legislative session, thanks to the strong, bipartisan foundation we built this year.

Renewable Energy

Soon Kansas will have 40 wind farms producing nearly 6,000 MW of electricity. Many of our universities, cities and businesses have taken part in Evergy’s new wind tariff, buying some or all of their power from new wind farms. We’re thrilled to see the renewable energy direct purchase program move forward.

While utility-owned wind is booming, Kansas solar lags behind. To maximize homegrown resources, we need rooftop solar in our energy mix. We are traveling the state to share information about distributed generation, including opportunities and barriers to growth This summer, almost 70 people joined a bipartisan coalition of legislators for a press conference at the solar rally we hosted, and over 1,000 Kansans submitted public comments in support of solar.

Kansans want to see more solar!

Civic Engagement

Connecting Kansans to their legislators is critical, but the process is intimidating for many. We stepped up our game this year by hosting a weekly program on CEP LIVE on Facebook: “WEALTH Policy, Civic Engagement and YOU” on Tuesdays at 2 throughout the session. These videos helped supporters prepare for our annual WEALTH Day of Advocacy and Education (Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation, Health). Over 215 Kansans, 55 legislators, and 35 organizations participated in WEALTH Day last March. In addition to a legislative update, solutions showcase, and coordinated legislative visits, we also hosted WEALTH Dialogs throughout the day featuring legislators and advocacy organizations. The dialogs were a great way to get into the details of policy and potential – we’ll be expanding these dialogs in 2019 to increase those connections.


In 2018, we supported our partners to attend our Kansas Environmental Leadership Summit.  Forty-six current and aspiring environmental leaders from around the state convened for a three-day leadership training at the Kansas Leadership Center. In 2019, we will send 40 people to additional leadership training thanks to a Transformation Grant from the Kansas Leadership Center. A rising tide lifts all boats. Our investments in environmental leadership help our partners do better work, which makes Kansas better for everyone

Integrated Voter Engagement

A common problem in advocacy is that people get excited when there is an issue, but when the issue is resolved engagement falls off. More people who care about climate and energy issues need to be civically engaged every day – not just when the heat is on.  In 2018 we received a new Integrated Voter Engagement (IVE) grant from the Kansas Health Foundation. We worked with national experts to host three IVE trainings that we offered free to 27 partnering organizations.

We took what we learned from these trainings to launch Climate + Energy Voters Take Action. Using relational organizing, 20 Climate + Energy Voter Ambassadors activated 188 of their friends and family to register and vote! This project will help sustain momentum between campaigns to get Climate + Energy Voters asking questions, connecting with legislators, and maybe even running for office! 

Engage, Encourage, Involve, Take Action!

Visions of a Resilient Kansas

We want Kansas to lead a just and equitable transition to a clean energy future. We all know those least responsible for climate change impacts will be the most impacted. Kansas can maximize the wind and sunshine to create energy, jobs, and economic prosperity for all! We want more renewable and affordable energy for everyone. We want a healthy and resilient Kansas. Share your Vision of a Resilient Kansas!

With your support, together we can:

  •  advocate for the creation of an independent energy office that can establish a clear vision, guiding principles, realistic objectives, and actionable strategies to guide the state’s climate and energy decision making.
  • connect with our neighbors on community resilience, and solutions that preserve our water, energy, air, land, transportation, and health resources. In 2019, CEP and the WEALTH partners will connect with Kansans as we circulate a Climate and Health Declaration that will signal support for climate resilience planning. Join us.
  • cultivate new leaders and strengthen the skills of current environmental leaders, so climate and energy issues can rise to the top, and we can make progress on solutions that work for Kansas.
  • educate Kansans on the benefits of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  •  invest in community-level solutions that build resilience, improve health, and make Kansas a better place to live for all. We’re collecting Visions of a Resilient Kansas all across the state. These visions will come together in a beautiful display on WEALTH Day on March 12th. Share your vision!

Thank you for helping lead the way to a healthy and resilient Kansas.

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