Kansas is Acting

on Climate

Reduce risks. Increase resilience.

The Climate + Energy Project is a Kansas-based, nonpartisan 501(c)3 nonprofit driving practical solutions for an equitable transition to a clean energy future.

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TAKE ACTION! Tell the KCC NO To Evergy Fossil Gas Plants

Evergy is proposing to the KCC, two fossil gas plants in Reno and Sumner County with a price tag of $2 Billion Dollars – leaving Kansans with the bill. Tell the KCC we don’t want dirty gas!

Kansas Climate + Health Declaration

The Kansas Climate + Health Declaration aims to increase awareness of the impacts of climate change on public health, to increase civic engagement on climate action in Kansas, and to advance policies that build community resilience and safeguard the future of our state.

Become a Kansas Climate CORE LEader

Kansas Climate CORE is the face of Climate + Energy Project’s Integrated Voter Engagement work. Through organizing, voter education, and training, Kansas Climate CORE Leaders increase voter awareness and engagement on the links between health, climate resilience, and energy.

You’ll earn points every time you take action and can redeem them twice a year for fun swag! No matter how you engage, climate action is critical. Join  us today!

What We Do

Clean Energy

Wind, solar, and energy efficiency solutions that work for Kansas.

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Climate Resilience

Increasing community resilience and reducing climate risks safeguards the future of our state.

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Climate + Energy Policy

Stay informed of emerging issues in climate and energy policy at all levels.

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Civic Participation

Community engagement, leadership development, and voter activation drive climate and energy solutions.

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Latest Climate + Energy News for Kansas

Wind Energy: A Wildlife Biologist’s Take

Wind Energy: A Wildlife Biologist’s Take

As a wildlife biologist, I think that the impacts of commercial-scale land-based wind farms on wildlife have been significantly reduced, and that guidelines and regulatory measures are in place to reduce these impacts further. I am also convinced that climate change impacts wildlife much more than well-regulated wind farms.

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Climate + Energy Project
WEALTH Day of Environmental Advocacy and Education at the Capitol
Wind Energy: A Wildlife Biologist’s Take
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